Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I have had butterflies in my tummy all day. I am so excited/nervous, though a little less stressed than yesterday.

My mom won't be coming down for the weekend. It kind of upsets me but it's just typical of her. She said she really can't afford it ( I had already told her I would pay her way)... that they wouldn't have any fun just standing around waiting for us to finish. (Heaven forbid she do anything for/with me that isn't any fun). So, my feelings are a little hurt because it would be nice to have someone there at the finish line for us but at least this way it saves me probably hundreds of dollars and I don't have to stress over whether she's having a good time or not. I just have to say it. My Aunt Pam never lets me down and she will be right there beside me. Love that woman.

On a good note...One exciting thing I am looking forward to for the next 3 days...carb loading! have to build up those energy reserves. Olive Garden, here I come. Woohoo! I'm not going to go crazy but I am putting weight watchers on hold for the next 5 days. how exciting! To go 5 days without obsessing about what I'm eating is a vacation in itself!

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