Sunday, June 21, 2009

25 years

My 25th High school reunion was this weekend. I didn't go and I have no regrets about that. (It looks like they had a great time though.)
See. the thing is..I essentially missed my entire senior year of high school. I only went for one class the first half of the year, then I graduated early, in January. So, I really missed out on a lot. All the Senior year activities and ball games and parties. My classmates made memories that will last them a lifetime and I wasn't a part of all that. At the time, I couldn't wait to get out of school. I wanted work and college and adult things. I thought my classmates were immature and petty. I had a few close friends of course, but I wanted distance from them all. I wanted to grow up.

And boy, did I. I got totally caught up in Danny and his friends. ( he went to a different school and graduated a year ahead of me). And then, I was pregnant and a mom and I really had to be an adult then. I completely lost touch of all of those high school kids that I wanted so badly to get away from.

So, now, as I look at everybody's photos from the reunion, I'm like, I hardly even remember all of these people. I have very few memories of high school. I did go to my 20th and of course people remembered me, and I had a good time, but I felt out of place. Like I was on the outside looking in. It's like that period of my life has been erased from my brain. Weird that I have no sense of attachment to any of my classmates, except for a handful of people. It's kind of sad, actually.

My closest friends from HS and I have been in touch and I hope that we can continue to see each other from time to time. But as far as reunions go, I just feel like I don't belong there.

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