Friday, September 19, 2008

work stuff that is really bringing me down

Our days have been miserable at work since Julie left. We had hired a lady to work with Dr. W when B went on maternity leave with the understanding that she would come and work with us when B got back. She interviewed well and she really seemed like a nice fit for our practice. Well, Dr. W and Dr. R (the Dr. I work for) used to be married. Dr. W's best friend works with her. So, the whole 6 weeks that the new girl, P, was working for Dr W, she heard all kinds of negative stuff about Dr. R from Dr W and Dr W's best friend, which did not bode well for us. She got along great with Dr. W's staff and they loved her. But with us, she was totally negative all the time. Always complaining about something, always tired. Threatening to go to the labor board once. She would not listen whenever we tried to teach her. She rolled her eyes. She copped an attitude with the Dr. She was mean to the patients. One patient's mom kicked her out of the room and demanded to see me because P was being a bitch to her. She threw a major temper tantrum in front of one of our new patients. It was miserable. So, they decided they were going to fire her today but yesterday after we all had left, she turned in her resignation. I guess she could see the handwriting on the wall. But, get this. She told our Practice Administrator that SHE couldn't work with US! That we were too clique-ish and we kept pushing her away. Which is not true really. We were really trying. We don't want to be a nurse short. It's hell trying to work a 3 nurse schedule with just 2 nurses. We were trying to figure out what could be done so that she would do better and not be so angry.

So today, the PA came to us and said, this is what P said and we just can't have this. "You can't just run people off because your personalities don't mesh. I don't want this to happen again." The kicker is, he KNEW how she was behaving but then he gets on to us for running her off. And yes, if our personalities don't mesh, we probably won't be able to work with her. We work in a very close, intimate environment. Everyone needs to be able to get along. So we pointed this out to him. It just irks me that he was so quick to blame us. Christy, Julie R, Dr R and I do have a tight bond and yes, it will be hard for someone to step into Julie M's shoes. But not if they are willing to have a good attitude and give us a chance. (and be nice to our patients). I think the worst thing that happened in all of this is having P work with Dr W before she worked with us. They contaminated her mind with all of their negativity and I think that is very very sad.

So, now we will have to work a 3 nurse schedule with 2 nurses. We will get behind and the patients will get mad because we are behind. Which will be miserable because when the patients are angry, it's harder to have short appts. with them. They figure since they've been waiting so long, they should have more of our time and it just becomes a perpetual problem. We have got to find a nurse fast but we don't want to jump into anything too quickly and make a bad choice.

I am planning on going to Disney in 28 days. If we don't find another nurse soon, I will not be able to go. I'm very worried about that. So, we will just see what happens.

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