Friday, March 28, 2008

A glorious week

This has been a glorious week! I have only worked about 8 hours all week but I have been totally busy. So busy that Rick has told me that its time for me to go back to work now because I have been shopping my legs off! Actually, tonight at dinner I found myself uttering words that I never thought I would say in my life! " I'm kinda over shopping." *gasp* I think those words were music to Rick's ears because I swear I heard him breathe a sigh of relief. lol! I have had a great run of it, but alas, enough is enough. I slept in everyday, I shopped, I scrapped, I lunched with friends, I had pedicures and manicures, I got my hair cut, I ate chocolate. It has been lovely.

I still have another week to go, that's the cool thing! I can really get used to this not working thing.

So, I leave early early Sunday morning to drive to Atlanta to meet my favorite aunts and my mom. We will fly from there to Phoenix and then drive an hour from Phoenix to Tucson. Tucson looks like it will be really pretty and warm! I thought maybe we could do some hiking there but then I saw a show about African Killing bees in the Tucson desert and I have decided that that is probably not such a good idea. So, I think there are museums and art galleries there that we can visit. Also, Tombstone, Arizona is there. That's where the big shootout was at the OK Corral. So, we'll probably do some touristy stuff like that. It will just be so fun to be there with my aunts and mom. We have good memories together and it will be wonderful to make more. I love these "girl vacations" but its becoming harder and harder to leave Rick behind. I miss him so much when I am away.

So, I'll update when I get back! Have a happy week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you are going to have a GREAT time! I can't wait to hear all about it. I'll miss you!
Be safe!
LA :)