Friday, March 07, 2008

A lot of you have been asking...

How is Chanel doing? Well, I am happy to say that she called me on Wednesday and she is doing just fine. She really seems happy there. To begin with, I think she had a hard time adjusting. She was lonesome for home and the language barrier was tough. Now she has learned enough french to be able to communicate and she has found more people that speak english. She is making plenty of friends now, which I knew she would. She is a very social girl. She is traveling and is taking lots of pictures. She still plans to go to Paris for Easter and then to Barcelona when her boyfriend Steve comes to visit in April.

She finally got her care package that I sent 2 1/2 weeks ago. I think they took a canoe across the Atlantic to deliver it to her. Then when she was finally able to pick it up, they charged her 10 euros to pick it up. Something about customs. She really enjoyed getting the magazines most of all. It will be nice for her to have something in English to read. Her next favorite thing that I sent her was the washcloths. Apparently, they don't use washcloths in Europe. Weird. I sent her about 20 so she should be pretty well stocked up.

I guess there in Liege, most people walk or take a bus to where they need to go and she is getting in lots of walking every day. She says she is losing weight. It sounds like all she is eating is bread and cheese. She says there are bakeries everywhere.

School is going well. In all of her classes except her french class, there are only 10 students per class. It makes it easier to learn and she can have more 1:1 attention if she needs it. The classes are tough but she seems to like them. And yes, her professors teach in english.

I still miss her very much. But its fun to sort of live vicariously when I hear of all her adventures.

So, that's all about Chanel! She's doing fine.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm loving hearing about Chanel's adventures! It sounds like she is doing great! You are doing great with her being there too!! :)