Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008!

Happy New Years everybody. I've read over Leeann's resolutions and she has given me some ideas for my own so here goes.

1. Me: Improve my health which to me means lose 25# by eating regular food and not fad dieting. Exercise 4 days per week. I really need to get my tail out of bed in the mornings before work and just do it. No more excuses and no more whining.

2. My marriage: Date night, my treat ,once a month. Its time for me to treat Rick like the king he is. I also plan to tell Rick over and over that he is my hero and that I will love him into eternity. Also I need to stop whining. I am sure he will appreciate that.

3. My girls: Rick told me not long ago that I was too bossy with the girls. I'm going to stop. I am going to back off and let them make their own choices and try to zip my lips when I disagree with what they are doing. I'm going to try to refrain from giving them (or anyone for that matter) advice unless they ask for it. They are grown up now, they have to make their own decisions. I promise to either be supportive or keep my mouth shut.

4. My job: I really need to try not to whine so much about having to work a full 3 1/2 day work week. Again with the whining. Those of you who know me well, know just what I'm talking about. I really have it made at work and its time for me to realize that.

5. My family: Visit my parents more. Try to rebuild a relationship with my sister. Initiate more phone calls with Jim. I love talking to him, it just never seems to be a priority.

6. My best friends: I want to make it a priority to get together with Leeann at least once a month. I know that sounds easy but with our busy schedules, time slips away so fast. I want us to scrapbook or have pedicures or go shopping or just have coffee for 15 mins. Girl stuff. Then, I want the four of us to get together once a month to do couples things. We have such a bond and I think its important to cultivate relationships.

7. My other friends: Call them more, make our relationships a priority, Let them know how special I think they are and how much I appreciate their friendships.

8. Other stuff: Finish the scrapbook projects I already have started. I want to scrap at least 3 pages per month. I want to take sewing classes and a photography class. I want to totally reorganize my scrapbook room and figure out better storage options. I want to take down the wallpaper in my kitchen and in the downstairs bath and paint.

This is a pretty extensive list but I think I can do it! Have a happy new year!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great list to me! So far, I'm only on day #2 and not doing so good... *sigh*!
We need to encourage each other!
Love ya!

Anonymous said...

P.S. - When do you whine? That's not a trait I've picked up in you. Typically, if you complain - you do it in a laughing manner... :)