Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yay for me!

I have really gotten into this ebay thing. I've sold some things and the more I sell the more comfortable I feel about listing even more stuff. I've kind of gone a little crazy. Leeann had a great idea that I should use the money I make from ebay for trips that she and I can take together. That idea has really motivated me. Rick is all for that idea! I am pretty ditzy when it comes to computer stuff and easily become frustrated but ebay makes it so easy to list things that even I can do it. Of course, I have had a little help from Rick and Leeann. The only problem is, my office is kind of small and I have ebay stuff everywhere and no table space to scrapbook!
Sienna came over the other night and wanted to scrapbook and I just found myself frustrated because I have no room. I tried to talk Rick into trading spaces with me but he wasn't biting. I've got to get myself more organized somehow. I hope that once I get all of these Denim Days sold, the ebay stuff will be at a minimum.

Sienna's birthday in on Friday. Its hard to believe she will be 19. We are going to have a spa day. I think she will like it. She's had a rough time of it these last few months. She needs to be pampered a little bit. Don't we all?

Rick is having his 2nd HD DVR installed today. ugh! We were just reminiscing about how nice it was on vacation when we didn't watch TV for a full week. We had more time to talk, and to read and to sleep. Now that we've got this new TV there's no way we will have that experience again until our next vacation ( which is in October, yay!). However, we only have 6 weeks until CKU! Im not sure that will be like a vacation. It sounds like there will be a lot of work to do, fun work though, just not "lounging at the pool" kind of fun. It will be great to go with Leeann. I really feel like we have become closer in this last year and I will be so happy to spend lots of time with her. She's one of my favorite people!

Going to Chanel's tomorrow. I sure do miss that girl. We used to talk on the phone almost everyday. Now, since we've gotten our Iphones she doesn't have a phone. She doesn't seem particularly interested in getting one either. She is a very popular girl and her phone was always ringing constantly. I think she welcomes the break.

Okay, I know this is a lot of stuff. Just wanted to catch you up on me for the week.

Have a happy weekend!

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