Saturday, July 28, 2007


" 5 Guys?" again
" You know, Marble Slab is just around the corner."
" We could get a CinnaBon while we're at the mall this afternoon."
" You should get a hot dog AND a hamburger, you'll be hungry."
" Burger King or McDonald's?"
"Here. These hot wings are good."
"5 Guys? We haven't eaten there but once this week."-again with the 5 Guys!

Things I've heard just this week. And just from Rick. Ugh.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

just to update you

I know everyone is wondering.....Rick loves my hair. I am so happy and relieved. He just doesn't like the smell of the hairspray. I never wore hairspray before. I'll have to figure something out about that.

Dr. Robertson is on vacation this week that means an easy week for me at work. Love that.

Have a happy Thursday, I know I will!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

new do

This is my before pic.
I was talking to my mom last night and was telling her about my hair appt. today. She said, "well, you are getting to that age where you shouldn't wear long hair." Hmmph. Thanks mom. Despite what she said, I did get my hair cut today and its about 6 inches shorter but so cute! I don't think it looks matronly at all. Pam at Salone Divino did it and she was wonderful. She talked me through every step because she knew I was nervous. I think it makes me look less frumpy. I had highlights put in as well as a cut. I think it turned out beautifully. It's not a dramatic change but it's different. Rick practically forbade me to get my hair cut short. And now I've gone and done it. I hope he likes it.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Today Sienna and I spent the whole day getting pampered. Well, Sienna got pampered and I got a lot of reading done! We started off getting her hair done. and man, what a difference. I had tears in my eyes when I saw the transformation. They wouldn't let me look until she was all finished and when I saw her, my jaw dropped. She must have had 10 inches cut from her hair! You can see how beautiful she is. For some reason, everytime I go in that salon, the hair stylists are trying to talk me into cutting and highlighting my hair. So, on Tuesday I'm going to do it. Rick is none too happy. He likes my long hair and doesn't want any of it cut off but I just feel so frumpy all the time, a new do might help.

So after the hair salon and lunch we went to Ross the Boss to their spa. I was pleasantly surprised to see how wonderful it was! It is so completely relaxing and totally classy. We met some really cool girls. Amy and Kimi. Love them. Sienna had her first massage. She was so totally relaxed and then we went for a spa pedicure. I am so hooked. I didn't even have the pedicure, I just sat with her and I came out of there completely chilled. I'm so looking forward to my birthday when Leeann and I can do the spa pedicure together. Of course, not sure ours will be so relaxing, we tend to talk alot when we are together!

We then went to Wasabis for dinner. Sienna had never been to a Japanese place where they cook at your table. I think she was impressed. and this time, no vegetables in the cleavage. Our guy this time was much more tame. I kind of like the other guy better, but Rick much preferred the guy tonight.

So that was our great day. Then for some reason, I have no idea why, when we got home,Sienna got mad and left. lol. That girl! who can figure her out? Anyway, I had a fabulous day.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I have a new friend.

I have a new friend! Rick has a friend from work who married a gal from Kansas about a year ago. She is very sweet but I had only talked to her at their wedding and had only heard Rick talk about her from what Don has said. Well, last week we saw them at Five Guys, ( I know! Bad Lisa) and we chatted a while. Well tonight, we happened to eat at Five Guys again, (bad, bad Lisa) and what do you know? They were there too! So we talked and guess what? She LOVES to scrapbook! Just like Leeann and I do! I really like her a lot and I hope that we can spend more time together. I've invited her to the crop next month. Scrapbookers are just so much fun to be around. It will be a good way for her to meet more people, CKU is only 36 days away. Yay for us! Should make lots of scrapbooking friends there.

Friendship is so important. Especially friendships between women. I really wish I would make more time to cultivate my relationships with the women in my life.

Sienna got her new job! I am very excited for her. I hope she is happy there. Planning on moving to Knoxville. I think she is planning on moving into an apartment with a friend. Maybe things will turn around for her now. I've made it very clear to her today that just because she would be living close to me, doesn't mean I will be doing her laundry! : )

We met Chanel's new boyfriend over the weekend. I liked him very much. He really seems to care a lot about her. He is very funny. I asked Rick if he liked him, and he said " Well, he's not gay, so that's a good sign." That's all he would say about it. But he really did seem to like him.

Hope you have a happy Thursday!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Wow, what a difference!

We went to Chanel's today and as I was downloading the pics from today, I ran across this photo of Chanel and me in her freshman year of college. We both look so totally different! I don't even look like the same person. And what is up with that short hair? What was I thinking?!! So now Chanel has graduated college and is an official adult now. Its amazing to think about all the changes we have both gone through in the last 4 years. I handed her her last rent check today, paid her insurance for the last time and declared her officially raised. And my, what a good job we've done! So so proud of her!

Chanel has a great apartment with lots of retro, vintage stuff in it. She found this hair dryer at Goodwill, cracked me up when she showed it to me. Thought Rick could use some time under the dryer. He's exclaiming, Wait! You'll mess up my hair!" lol

Going to Dollywood with Don, Leeann and Katie. yay for us!

Have a very happy Monday!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Yay for me!

I have really gotten into this ebay thing. I've sold some things and the more I sell the more comfortable I feel about listing even more stuff. I've kind of gone a little crazy. Leeann had a great idea that I should use the money I make from ebay for trips that she and I can take together. That idea has really motivated me. Rick is all for that idea! I am pretty ditzy when it comes to computer stuff and easily become frustrated but ebay makes it so easy to list things that even I can do it. Of course, I have had a little help from Rick and Leeann. The only problem is, my office is kind of small and I have ebay stuff everywhere and no table space to scrapbook!
Sienna came over the other night and wanted to scrapbook and I just found myself frustrated because I have no room. I tried to talk Rick into trading spaces with me but he wasn't biting. I've got to get myself more organized somehow. I hope that once I get all of these Denim Days sold, the ebay stuff will be at a minimum.

Sienna's birthday in on Friday. Its hard to believe she will be 19. We are going to have a spa day. I think she will like it. She's had a rough time of it these last few months. She needs to be pampered a little bit. Don't we all?

Rick is having his 2nd HD DVR installed today. ugh! We were just reminiscing about how nice it was on vacation when we didn't watch TV for a full week. We had more time to talk, and to read and to sleep. Now that we've got this new TV there's no way we will have that experience again until our next vacation ( which is in October, yay!). However, we only have 6 weeks until CKU! Im not sure that will be like a vacation. It sounds like there will be a lot of work to do, fun work though, just not "lounging at the pool" kind of fun. It will be great to go with Leeann. I really feel like we have become closer in this last year and I will be so happy to spend lots of time with her. She's one of my favorite people!

Going to Chanel's tomorrow. I sure do miss that girl. We used to talk on the phone almost everyday. Now, since we've gotten our Iphones she doesn't have a phone. She doesn't seem particularly interested in getting one either. She is a very popular girl and her phone was always ringing constantly. I think she welcomes the break.

Okay, I know this is a lot of stuff. Just wanted to catch you up on me for the week.

Have a happy weekend!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Love this girl! We had the best time at our crop on Friday. Nuthin' but scrappin' for 5 hours straight. Ahhhh, bliss. Though, it was tough to get a whole lot done because there was just so much chattin' going on. We met some very nice ladies. Its fun to spend time with women who have a shared interest. There's something special about fellowship with other women.

Tonight we went to Wasabi with Don, Leeann and Katie. I love Japanese food! It was fun to see Katie enjoy the show. I did have one of the most embarrassing moments of my life there however. You know how the chefs put on this little show and how they are always slinging little bits of food around? Well, our lovely chef decided to sling a bit of zucchini right into my cleavage! I know he did that on purpose. It wouldn't have been so bad if it were just us but there were 5 other people at the table watching me as I reached in to pick the food out of my cleavage. I was already pretty self conscious about that shirt and well, not sure if I will be wearing that again.

I was planning on going to see Chanel tomorrow but we've decided to wait until next weekend. I really miss that girl. She's always a complete joy to be with and I miss her. I'll go next weekend. It would be nice if she would get a phone so I could talk to her!! (hint, hint)

Only one more day off. I have to work this Monday. So dreading it. Not dreading the Monday so much as dreading the 5 day work week. I am so completely spoiled!

Have a happy Sunday.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Oh Happy day!

Can I just say that I have the greatest husband on this earth? This was the surprise Rick had waiting for me when I got home yesterday. Just let me tell you, this is the coolest thing I have ever seen! Its been a lot of fun. I'm glad I have 5 days off from work to play with it.

Sienna was left here alone yesterday so that she could go to a job interview. These pictures are what I found when I got home yesterday. She must have been bored. I had 28 pics like these waiting for me. Can I just say that the second one is a little creepy. : )

Have a good 4th!