Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Oh my gosh. I have gone and done it now!

"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement, it's a state of mind: a state of mind that says anythiing is possible."-John Hanc

I am going to be wearing this medal on February 27, 2011. I signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, for real, like I paid $128 and everything! I am really going to do this. It wasn't really "real" to me until I hit that Submit button today. I am so frickin' excited. My Aunt Pam is going to run it with me!

So, it's time to get serious. I have to get my weight under control. I have to focus on getting as healthy as I can and on staying injury free for the next 233 days. WOOHOO!!!!!

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