Sunday, July 25, 2010

I am leaving Florida tomorrow. I really think that this will be the last time I see my dad alive.

I went to church today with my mom. I hadn't been in a long time but I felt like I needed to go today for her. It was nice. I saw many of the women who were friends of my parents while I was growing up. My parents used to be very social and I have great memories of camp outs, card nights, barbeques, bible schools etc with these women in my life. In seeing these women today, I saw wonderful memories. Memories of my parents before heart attacks, before COPD, before joint pain and before diabetes.

My dad is frail now. And weak. And dying...maybe not right now this week but soon. And I just needed those memories today in church so that I could remember him as the man he once was.

My parents didn't have the best marriage and I know many times they both were wishing for divorce. I don't pretend our life as a family was rosy all the time. But today I was sitting in the hospital room and my mom was holding my dad's head against her chest and he was just so peaceful there while she stroked his cheek. It was touching to watch and the love was definitely there.

So we shall see how things go.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Oh my gosh. I have gone and done it now!

"I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement, it's a state of mind: a state of mind that says anythiing is possible."-John Hanc

I am going to be wearing this medal on February 27, 2011. I signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, for real, like I paid $128 and everything! I am really going to do this. It wasn't really "real" to me until I hit that Submit button today. I am so frickin' excited. My Aunt Pam is going to run it with me!

So, it's time to get serious. I have to get my weight under control. I have to focus on getting as healthy as I can and on staying injury free for the next 233 days. WOOHOO!!!!!