Friday, August 21, 2009

I'm just bursting!

Chanel and Steve broke up a couple of weeks ago. And though I am sad for her heartache, I think it's for the best. Now she has decided to take a leap of faith and come home to Knoxville to live. I am so so happy about this! I miss her terribly and I just think she needs to be here with family and friends who love her.

She is flying in on Saturday for a visit and for an interview with the Red Cross on Monday. Working for a non-profit is really what she wants to do (much to Rick's chagrin) so I hope they really like her. Even if she doesn't get that job, I think she is just going to go ahead and move here. It will be easier for her to find a job when she is here.

I can't wait to see her on Saturday!! I haven't seen her since June which seems like it was a lifetime ago. She makes me happy and I have already made all kinds of plans for the things we can do together when she moves here.

Of course, when I talked to her about flying here for the interview, she hasn't any extra money. Things are kind of tough for her right now. So I told her I would talk to Rick about getting a plane ticket. I did talk to Rick about it and he was very hesitant. The Red Cross doesn't pay very much and he thinks it's silly to pay for her to fly here for a job prospect that doesn't pay very much. He was resistent. He knew that I really wanted to see her though. But he just couldn't get is head wrapped around the concept of flying her here for that interview. So he said, " I just can't bring myself to pay for a plane ticket for a job making only __per year, I'm sorry....However, I think it would be great to buy her a ticket just to come and visit." So she is coming for a "visit" and it just so happens that she has an interview during her visit. lol. That's how Rick rationalized it in his head. And may I just say, I have the most awesome husband in the world.

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