Thursday, May 28, 2009

Younger Next Year

I have lost focus on my weight loss journey. Seems like after vacation I have just had such a hard time. And so I have started reading my good health bible again. The book is called "Younger Next Year..for women."

There are 7 basic rules to aging well and continuing to be healthy as we get older.
1. Exercise hard 6 days a week for the rest of your life.
2. Do serious aerobic exercise four days a week for the rest of your life.
3. Do serious weight training two days a week for the rest of your life.
4. Spend less than you make,
5. Quit eating crap. Basically, don't eat what you know you are not supposed to eat.
6. Care about others. If you're married, stay married. If not, get a partner.
7. Connect and Commit.-friends, volunteering, just being social.

If I can just focus on these basic rules, focus on being healthy and not so much on the weight, I will be a much happier girl. I want to feel like 50 at 80. I want to live a very long, healthy life and I think the concepts in this book are the answer.

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