Monday, November 03, 2008

Just a few reasons why I am voting for Obama

He is intelligent enough to surround himself with smart, capable people. Though he doesn't have much Foreign Policy experience, he chose Joe Biden, who does, as his running mate.

I do not want Sarah Palin as president should anything happen to McCain. She is an idiot.

I believe that all children should have healthcare. Barack will make that happen.

I love that he is so passionate about insurers not being able to deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

The next president will have the opportunity to appoint supreme court justices. I think we have a few too many socially conservative judges on the court already.

I believe Barack will get us out of Iraq.

I believe that Barack will bring respect from other countries back to our nation.

I totally disagree with the whole "Drill, baby, drill" philosophy.

Our economy is in the toilet. I would prefer not to have a Republican at the helm any longer.

I believe that a woman should have the right to choose about abortion.

So many more things that I don't have time to write about now. But I just want you to think about your reasons for voting for the candidate of your choice. I believe with all my heart that my choice will be the right one.



Nutzkiller said...
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Nutzkiller said...

hola... all i said was i am voting for Obama tomorrow. He's got CA, under wraps!