Friday, November 21, 2008

The total package

I had breakfast with a friend today and she said something to me that will probably stick with me for a long time. Again, I was pissin' and moanin' about my weight and various diets etc etc. I know my friends get tired of hearing about it but I still go on.
lol. And then my friend said, "You know, there's so much more to you than the way your body looks. No one even notices that you are a little overweight. You just need to chill about it." And I thought, Yes! you are so right! I am healthy. I feel good. I can wear regular clothes. I can walk the 5 K without getting tired. My husband thinks I'm a knockout. I am smart. I am happy and people love me. Honestly, now that I think about it..I am the total package. :) Now, someone please remind me of that in a month when I am back from my cruise and 5 pounds heavier.

I'm excited about Thanksgiving. We had originally planned a nice quiet day watching football. But now we are spending it with friends and we are so happy to do so! My girls will both be with me. We have planned to shop til we drop. We are going to the Fantasy of Trees and to a christmas festival downtown. We are going to Dollywood one night. It will be a great time! It will be a great way to kick off the holiday season! I am going to try to focus, this year, on doing things together with family and friends during the month of December.

We leave for our cruise in exactly 2 weeks. Bright sunshine and sandy beaches, here we come.

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