Saturday, April 12, 2008

Well, I survived my first week back at work. It was so hard! It was hard to get up every morning and it seemed like the days dragged on forever. It was nice to be back with my friends at work but I would have much rather had that time with them over lunch at Fuji's. I really liked being off for those two weeks. I could get used to it. I'm trying not to complain too much. Rick is so stressed out at work and I know he doesn't want to hear it. We are planning on retiring in 6 1/2 years and Rick is all the time telling me that I need to do my part to get us to that goal. So, I don't complain much. (At least not to Rick) Fortunately he doesn't read my blog much. :)

After Rick's friend and boss Ron died, Rick began to worry a little about job loss. The possibility of that was real because of a lot of reasons but I never really felt threatened. He is their top developer and I just didn't see how losing his job could really happen. Well, now we are feeling pretty safe. He has been asked to join this elite IT group and has been given the role of tech lead. Whew! He took classes about this new technology last week and this week began some of the new stuff. He was informed that if he accepted this offer, he would have to work lots of overtime to get things up and running and boy has he been! So, its kind of bittersweet. We are so happy that he has been chosen, everybody wants to be a Cheetah but he is already worn out. So, you see why I can't complain too much, I am only working about 27 hours per week. He is working a lot more than that.

Chanel is in Barcelona this weekend with Steve. She spent the last two weeks in France. She seems to be having a fabulous time.

Sienna got employee of the month last week again. I am so proud of her for doing such a good job at work!

We are going to see Sugarland tonight with Don and Leeann. I think we will have a great time. We always do with them. Rick is really looking forward to using his binoculars tonight at the concert. lol

Have a happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember, you have a new theme song... "Operating Working Vacation"! We have to watch for that to be released. Again, congrats to Rick... at least on having more job security! As always, we had so much fun with you guys last night!
LA :)