Sunday, April 13, 2008

I found my new song!

Last night, we went out to dinner with Don and Leeann. We went to Amerigo, which is a pretty new restaurant here in town. Their menu was very diverse and interesting. They had italian, old and new world, pork tenderloin, fish, all kinds of different things. The food was so-so and the service also was so-so. I can say that this will not be one of my favorite restaurants but it was okay.

Then, after dinner, we went to the Civic Coliseum to see Little Big Town and Sugarland. I loved it. We danced and sang our hearts out and it was so fun. Rick didn't much like the fact that we were so high up but we were to the right of the stage and we could see the bands perfectly. And Rick and Don and Leeann all had binoculars which was fun! I don't like to look through the binoculars much because with my one bad eye, it seems kind of distorted, but I could see fine without them. Sugarland put on a great show. They were very energetic and in good humor. Towards the end of the concert they both got into these big blow up bubbles, the audience down on the floor raised their hands to hold the bubbles up and Jennifer and Kristian rolled themselves over top of the audience. It was great!

Jennifer Nettles has written my new song. It's called "Operation Working Vacation". It will be on her new album. Leeann is always teasing me about always wanting to go on another vacation. I LOVE vacations! This new song is so cute, perfect for me!

Don and Leeann are the most fun people I know. Its always fun to go out with them. They get us. They laugh at all of Rick's humor,corny as it is, and they understand my quirkiness and love me for it, not in spite of it. Its so nice to have friends like that! I feel so blessed to have them in my life.

It has been a nice weekend.

Have a happy Monday tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know the feeling is mutual! :) We are the ones that are blessed to have you guys! We have many good times ahead!

Love ya!
LA :)

PS - Thanks for the Disney info yesterday! You have Don is serious planning mode! ;)