Friday, March 28, 2008

A glorious week

This has been a glorious week! I have only worked about 8 hours all week but I have been totally busy. So busy that Rick has told me that its time for me to go back to work now because I have been shopping my legs off! Actually, tonight at dinner I found myself uttering words that I never thought I would say in my life! " I'm kinda over shopping." *gasp* I think those words were music to Rick's ears because I swear I heard him breathe a sigh of relief. lol! I have had a great run of it, but alas, enough is enough. I slept in everyday, I shopped, I scrapped, I lunched with friends, I had pedicures and manicures, I got my hair cut, I ate chocolate. It has been lovely.

I still have another week to go, that's the cool thing! I can really get used to this not working thing.

So, I leave early early Sunday morning to drive to Atlanta to meet my favorite aunts and my mom. We will fly from there to Phoenix and then drive an hour from Phoenix to Tucson. Tucson looks like it will be really pretty and warm! I thought maybe we could do some hiking there but then I saw a show about African Killing bees in the Tucson desert and I have decided that that is probably not such a good idea. So, I think there are museums and art galleries there that we can visit. Also, Tombstone, Arizona is there. That's where the big shootout was at the OK Corral. So, we'll probably do some touristy stuff like that. It will just be so fun to be there with my aunts and mom. We have good memories together and it will be wonderful to make more. I love these "girl vacations" but its becoming harder and harder to leave Rick behind. I miss him so much when I am away.

So, I'll update when I get back! Have a happy week!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Just to catch up

I know its been awhile. The fact of the matter is, there hasn't been a lot going on. I started my vacation yesterday. Though I am not going out of town until the 30th, I only work on Wednesday and Friday next week because Dr Robertson will be out of town. There's not much work for us to do when he is gone and actually, he prefers us to take time off when he is not there. So its going to be like I have a two week vacation. Love it.

I started my vacation off right yesterday when I had breakfast with my best friend, Leeann. She's been going through some rough times and it was nice just to chat for a while. I think that for a little while, I took her mind off things. We tried to go shopping but for some reason, the managers of the stores we like like to sleep in. The stores didn't open until 10, which stinks. We love to shop and that would have been a great end to our morning.

So, this week, I plan to do some shopping and to have some lunches with more friends. I am planning on a pedicure with Leeann and a haircut and to just take this down time to catch up on some things. We may even go to Dollywood on Monday.

I hope you all have a happy Easter. Easter's just not the same for us since the kids are grown. Chanel is gone and Sienna goes to her dad's to spend time with her brothers. So we'll just have a nice quiet day. I am so impressed with Rick though. He actually went out and put together an easter basket for me this year. Now, this is not something he would typically do, so it meant a lot to me that he did it all on his own. Sweet man.

I checked the weather in Tucson because this is where I'll be going in a week. It is 85 and sunny today. Ahhhhh, that sounds wonderful!

Happy Easter

Friday, March 07, 2008

A lot of you have been asking...

How is Chanel doing? Well, I am happy to say that she called me on Wednesday and she is doing just fine. She really seems happy there. To begin with, I think she had a hard time adjusting. She was lonesome for home and the language barrier was tough. Now she has learned enough french to be able to communicate and she has found more people that speak english. She is making plenty of friends now, which I knew she would. She is a very social girl. She is traveling and is taking lots of pictures. She still plans to go to Paris for Easter and then to Barcelona when her boyfriend Steve comes to visit in April.

She finally got her care package that I sent 2 1/2 weeks ago. I think they took a canoe across the Atlantic to deliver it to her. Then when she was finally able to pick it up, they charged her 10 euros to pick it up. Something about customs. She really enjoyed getting the magazines most of all. It will be nice for her to have something in English to read. Her next favorite thing that I sent her was the washcloths. Apparently, they don't use washcloths in Europe. Weird. I sent her about 20 so she should be pretty well stocked up.

I guess there in Liege, most people walk or take a bus to where they need to go and she is getting in lots of walking every day. She says she is losing weight. It sounds like all she is eating is bread and cheese. She says there are bakeries everywhere.

School is going well. In all of her classes except her french class, there are only 10 students per class. It makes it easier to learn and she can have more 1:1 attention if she needs it. The classes are tough but she seems to like them. And yes, her professors teach in english.

I still miss her very much. But its fun to sort of live vicariously when I hear of all her adventures.

So, that's all about Chanel! She's doing fine.

Have a great day.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

The blue of her eyes

Well, Sienna's weekend started out pretty rough but she is feeling much better now. She ended the week with the flu.  But she ended the weekend with an almost new car.  Bless her heart.  She has had some struggles this past year.  She was driving a 95 Ford Escort with 200,000 miles on it.  The thing was falling apart.  We have been on the lookout for a car for about 4 months now.  She has been chomping at the bit.  We went to look Saturday.  After the first car dealer, she fell and sprained her ankle and I was just like..okay this may not be what we need to be doing right now. I mean first she's sick, then she can't walk.  We did decide to go to West Side Honda and she cried half way there because her ankle was hurting.  I kept saying, Maybe we should just go home. maybe we shouldn't do this today.  But she insisted and there at West Side Honda was the car of her dreams. Well, maybe I exaggerate a little. But she loved the car. We didn't really spend too much time looking at it because it was too expensive.  But then we got Rick to come back later and he wanted us to consider that car and well, if Rick says its okay, then it must be.  So long story short, after much haggling over two days we got the car!  A 2005 Civic EX SE and the color, as Sienna pointed out, matches her eyes.  Oh!  The best part of the story... Sienna's trusty Escort broke down on her this morning on her way to church of all places.   She was stranded on the highway on her way to church.  The car just sort of died.  So that's when we knew that this absolutely was meant to be. And that we had to buy a car this weekend if at all possible or I was going to have to get up early tomorrow and take her to work and well, I sleep in on Mondays. :) So it would have to be today that we bought one.
So, the flu has passed, her ankle is healed up and she has a car that matches her was a great weekend.