Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Well, here we are...

The day after Christmas. We had a wonderful day. The girls were here and they seemed genuinely happy with their haul. It was nice having them here. Sienna got the camera she was wanting and I think she took about 12 pictures, 10 of them were of herself. I asked her if she wanted me to take some pictures of her but she just said "No, I can do it." LOL. Chanel got a beautiful red sweater and all we heard about was what she could wear with it when she went to meet Steve next weekend. She is a little excited, I think. We played games and watched movies and ate. It was a great day. I was finally able to give Chanel the album I had worked so hard on from CKU. She really seemed to like it.

We were successful in getting Rick just what he wanted without him finding out that we bought the stuff. He was surprised and very happy. I have learned what every tool on his new swiss army knife does at least 3 times. Usually, he would rather we just get him an Amazon gift certificate so he can pick out what he wants. But that is no fun for me so I took a chance and SCORE! It was great. He also got a new camera and Sienna was sure to point out that he wasn't even using it. He usually uses his cameras for other things and lets me take care of the family gatherings. I, on the other hand, used my new camera. I was in everybody's face. So much so that they got pretty tired of it but I had a great time!
I got everything I wanted but for me the most precious gift of all was that my girls and Rick were here with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your pictures! Looks like you had a GREAT day! I'm so glad! Where is the picture of you sleeping? Rick? I know ya'll took naps too! :)

I'm heading to Mom's today! Funny thing... she told me last night that I got a card in the mail from you at her house... You are the best! I bet it's a card about my surgery anniversary...

I love you bunches!
LA :)