Sunday, December 31, 2006

I'm not a religious kind of girl

I'm not a religious kind of girl but I know that somehow, someone has really blessed me. I have a man who is perfect for me, I have two bright and beautiful daughters. My parents are healthy. I am healthy. I have kind and considerate friends. But even though I live such a charmed life, things could always be better. I could always be better. With 2007 here, once again I resolve to
become a better person.
I tend to get bitchy sometimes. I have no idea why...maybe its because of the bipolar, maybe its stress, maybe I am just bitchy for bitchy's sake. I am going to try to stop that. My husband is so patient with me and he doesn't deserve my antagonism. So I am going to try to do better. I hate it when I am grouchy but truly I feel like I just can't help it. Its not really a choice for me. Not many people choose to be grouchy. Do they? I think that humans as a collective want to be nice. Sometimes things just go haywire. I think generally I'm nice...but out. So, I resolve not to be a bitch. I figure most new year's resolutions last about a month, I think I can make it that long.
I eat too much and I exercise too little. I want to become more comfortable physically. I want to be thinner and more active. My daughter, Chanel and I have decided to do this 8-week fitness challenge. We have challenged each other to exercise 45 mins. at least 3 days a week and we will earn points when we do that. The one with the most points after 8 weeks gets to take the other on a weekend retreat. Now, I know Chanel will never be able to afford it but she has made the commitment and I would just love to have the weekend with her even if in the end I have to pay for it (though I am not telling her that). So, the challenge is on. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone. My closest friend had gastric bypass surgery this week. She is doing well and is very motivated (as evidenced by the surgery ) to lose weight and be more healthy. This in turn, motivates me. We are going to be weight loss buddies and I believe that if you have good social support you can do anything. All you need is love, right? So, I resolve to lose 40 pounds. 40 pounds is nothing, yep, I can do it. I can!
I am sure there will be other resolutions to be considered over this next week. But, truthfully, I can't think right now. Its been a stressful couple of weeks and my brain is kinda mushy.

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