Monday, April 06, 2009

1/2 marathon

I love Disney world. I will be going twice this year. We are leaving in 10 days! I found out yesterday that Disney is having a 1/2 marathon in January of 2010. I am going to register for it, I think. I haven't actually decided yet for sure because I want Chanel to do it with me and it costs $120 to register. I'm not sure she will have the money in time to register. But I want to do it. There are some friends from high school who want to do it with me, so I may just go ahead and run it and do another one with Chanel later on. I found this site on the web, Couch to 1/2 Marathon. Well, actually, its Couch to 5K, 10K and then 1/2 marathon. so it's a 32 week training program. Which would put me in November and then I would still have two more months to train.

I really think I can do this. A year ago, I would say you were crazy if you wanted me to run a 1/2 marathon. But I have been working out almost every single day for a few months now and anything seems possible. Yes, I'm serious about this.

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