Sunday, October 26, 2008

its sad to be home

Is it weird for me to not want to come home from a vacation? I mean, Rick's favorite part of a vacation is coming home and sleeping in his own bed. My favorite part about a vacation is waking up somewhere and thinking, wow, I don't have to go home for 7 whole days! I love vacation. I love to take a lot of vacations and I am fortunate in my life now to be able to do just that. But I never want to come home. I have a great home. My friends are here, my girls. But so is my job and I am seriously hating my job these last few months. Hating it. Seriously.

Disney was wonderful as always. Everything went pretty much perfectly. You've all heard it all before so there is no sense in me going on about Disney. Just know that it was wonderful. The weather was perfect the entire week. It only rained yesterday. And finally, for the first time ever, I got to meet Daisy and Donald Duck! Rick thinks I am ridiculous for wanting to meet all of these characters. He drew the line this trip and refused to stand in about a 40 person line at the character spot so I could meet Minnie. He indulges me so often, so when he says no, I know he really means no and I don't generally push it. We bought annual passes this time and we are planning to go again for 2 weeks in April. My husband spoils me.

It was nice to visit with my mom and dad. They are always disappointed that we don't stay longer and sometimes I wish that we could. This time it would have been hard to stay longer. Everyone knows that I am a die-hard Obama fan. Everyone, of course, except my dad, who, it turns out, is a die-hard McCain fan. I'm not sure when this happened because my dad has always been a democrat. But it seems that he spends all of his days now listening to religious right-wing talk radio and he has become quite the extremist. He seems convinced that Obama will get assassinated and that will leave Biden in charge and then we will have Armageddon. WHAT?! He would much rather have Sarah Palin in charge than anybody because she is going to shake up washington, and she is a mom and a christian all rolled up in one. Oh my goodness. He actually said that the ideal ticket would have been a Palin/Powell ticket. That was of course, before Colin Powell defected to the Obama side. My dad is so disappointed that Powell could show support for a muslim. So, staying at my mom and dad's any longer this time would have been very hard indeed. There is no debate with my dad. Its his way or the highway and its just easier to agree with him. But with this election, I feel so passionate about Barack Obama that it would have just resulted in something not good if we had stayed.

Have a great day!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Race for the Cure

This is me at 7 am before coffee and before makeup. eech. We walked for the Race for the Cure on Saturday. I bet there were at least 10,000 people there! You can see from this picture how many were ahead of us and there were just as many behind us.
I went with my friends Christy and Shara. It was a beautiful day for a walk. The race was 5K or about 3 miles. There were bands playing, singers singing, cheerleaders cheering all along the way. They were all definitely very motivating. I didn't whine one time but at one point, I saw a sign that said 1 mile and I was like, Surely that means we only have one mile to go, right? Nope. We had only walked one mile. But it was so crowded at first that we were moving very slowly for the first mile and it seemed to take forever. The last 2 miles went much faster because the crowds thinned out. It was a great day.

I am back to normal now with my moods. I feel great. I so can appreciate my good moods now. I will not let Dr. Jobson mess with my medicine again unless I am already doing poorly..never again when I am doing fine.

We are planning our 25th High School Reunion for June. It is so hard to believe that it has been 25yrs since I graduated high school. I mean, 25 yrs? wow. So I've gotten in touch with a lot of old classmates. Some of them look just the same. Others look so different. Everyone recognizes me of course because of my red hair. Its strange though, I really don't have a lot of memories from high school. I mean, I recognize the people of course, but actual events, I don't really remember. I don't know if that's normal or not, but that's how it is for me. It makes me a little sad. But, my memory for everything is abnormally bad.

We are leaving for Disney on Thursday. It will be a much needed break for us. Rick is working at least 60 hour weeks. I have been working more and am totally stressed out since Julie left. Much needed break. I plan on eating a lot, sleeping a lot, lying by the pool a lot and meeting Donald Duck for the first time ever. Woohoo!

Have a happy week!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Here are a few layouts

"His name was Kenny and I swore I was going to marry him." My First Friend.

I always believed it was fate that Rick and I got together.

The journaling reads: " I would follow him to the ends of the earth and back again. He helps me find my way when I get lost...and I need him more than he'll ever know."

This was from our trip to Arizona in May. My Aunt Karla, Aunt Pam and my Mom.

These were not totally my creations I got the ideas for a couple of them from other talented scrappers. But I think they turned out beautifully.