Sunday, December 31, 2006

I'm not a religious kind of girl

I'm not a religious kind of girl but I know that somehow, someone has really blessed me. I have a man who is perfect for me, I have two bright and beautiful daughters. My parents are healthy. I am healthy. I have kind and considerate friends. But even though I live such a charmed life, things could always be better. I could always be better. With 2007 here, once again I resolve to
become a better person.
I tend to get bitchy sometimes. I have no idea why...maybe its because of the bipolar, maybe its stress, maybe I am just bitchy for bitchy's sake. I am going to try to stop that. My husband is so patient with me and he doesn't deserve my antagonism. So I am going to try to do better. I hate it when I am grouchy but truly I feel like I just can't help it. Its not really a choice for me. Not many people choose to be grouchy. Do they? I think that humans as a collective want to be nice. Sometimes things just go haywire. I think generally I'm nice...but out. So, I resolve not to be a bitch. I figure most new year's resolutions last about a month, I think I can make it that long.
I eat too much and I exercise too little. I want to become more comfortable physically. I want to be thinner and more active. My daughter, Chanel and I have decided to do this 8-week fitness challenge. We have challenged each other to exercise 45 mins. at least 3 days a week and we will earn points when we do that. The one with the most points after 8 weeks gets to take the other on a weekend retreat. Now, I know Chanel will never be able to afford it but she has made the commitment and I would just love to have the weekend with her even if in the end I have to pay for it (though I am not telling her that). So, the challenge is on. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone. My closest friend had gastric bypass surgery this week. She is doing well and is very motivated (as evidenced by the surgery ) to lose weight and be more healthy. This in turn, motivates me. We are going to be weight loss buddies and I believe that if you have good social support you can do anything. All you need is love, right? So, I resolve to lose 40 pounds. 40 pounds is nothing, yep, I can do it. I can!
I am sure there will be other resolutions to be considered over this next week. But, truthfully, I can't think right now. Its been a stressful couple of weeks and my brain is kinda mushy.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

I have just made my first digi scrapbook layout. Woohoo! Of course, I had to have help and I have no idea how to journal on it and to tell you the truth, I am not sure I will ever know. But, that's okay. It was a completely frustrating new experience and we all have to have those, right? I think I have more than my share, but I'm not complaining. I went in to my husband's office to talk to him about any suggestions he might have to make this whole digi scrapping thing easier for me and he proceeded to pull up Weird Al on his ITunes and played me a rendition of Amish Paradise. Haha, very funny. Have a fun Christmas eve!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


My husband is a genius. We did it!


I am so,so technologically challenged. I was told to create a blog on Blogspot because it is so *easy*. Ha! I can't figure this out. I would be in a world of hurt if I weren't married to a computer geek. How can something so simple be so difficult? Its like my brain goes on hibernation mode when it tries to figure computer stuff out. We got a new mail machine at work the other day. I swear, no kidding, I had to have someone show me how to do it not once, but 3 times. How pitiful is that? All I can say is, thank God for Rick. He truly is my hero. Now if I can just get up the courage to swallow my pride and ask him to please help me get this blog going, we will all be able to have a good time together! Have a fun day!!