Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I wanna be that girl

The last several months have been horrible for my weight loss. I broke my arm in September after a car accident. It was a long recovery and I wasn't able to work out until November. We had vacation in October. We had Thanksgiving in November. We had vacation in December and also Christmas holidays. I really only worked out maybe 15 days from the end of September until mid-January. Then my dad had his heart attacks, surgeries, strokes and I spent so much time off my regular schedule, stressing. So from September 22 until now I have gained 15 pounds. None of my summer clothes fit. I had to go shopping to buy bigger clothes! I swore I would never do that.

And now, once again, I am saying Enough is Enough! I have worked out almost everyday in the last 3 weeks but I am also not focusing on my eating like I should. So, the weight isn't coming off. So, enough is enough. Time to get it together.

I want to be that girl I see running down the street. I want to just go out for a jog whenever I feel like it. I want to be that girl who hikes up to Mt. LeConte just for something to do on a Saturday. I want to be that girl who runs down Main Street at the Magic Kingdom after just completing the half marathon. I want to be that girl.

And I will be.

Monday, April 05, 2010

I am encouraged

Just spent a few days with my Dad and Mom. I am encouraged after our visit. My dad seems much more alert and he sometimes makes eye contact. His neurologist is saying that he's doing well. He is still in ICU but it's mostly because his rt lung keeps collapsing. We were able to take him outside on two days. He really seemed to enjoy that. He was just looking around, watching the cars go by and the people who were standing around. At one point there was a soft breeze and my dad just laid his head back and enjoyed the feel of it on his face.

Although I am always waiting for the next shoe to drop, right now he is doing well. I am constantly amazed at how strong my father is. He is definitely a fighter.

My Mom is doing better as well. I worry about her spending all of her days at the hospital but she seems to do okay. We have started looking for alternative housing for them for if and when my dad gets out of rehab. She is being a little resistive. I know that change is hard but sometimes necessary. One thing is for sure, they can not stay where they are.