Saturday, February 20, 2010

...and today all is right with the world

I love this man. This is one of my favorite pictures of us together.

January 15,2010 my dad had his first heart attack. He has since had 2 more. He's been in the hospital all but 3 days out of the last month. All but one of those days has been in ICU. He has had CPR performed on him 3 times. He has had repair of a perforated bowel. He has had Congestive Heart Failure, an adrenal tumor, respiratory arrest, blocked carotid artery, blood pressures in the 223/120 range. They found some sort of mass on his lung. He almost went into insulin shock. Twice he was headed for open heart surgery and something happened that he couldn't do it. He has been out on the roof talking on the phone and also somewhere in Texas, and apparently, according to him, out buying property with Rick. lol. (He got a little loopy in ICU). But through it all, my dad kept fighting. I had all but given up on him a time or two but he never gave up.

He had his open heart surgery yesterday. And today he is doing great!! They took him off the ventilator today. He is alert and trying to talk. It's hard to understand him because he's been intubated for so long. When I go in to see him, I have to have my sister there because she's the only one of us who can understand him and I am so grateful to her. But today, I actually laughed with him. It felt so good. He just laughs and smiles real big. His facial expressions just light up with conversation. I think he is going to pull through and recover just fine. For the first time in 4 weeks, I feel good about things. It's like a ton of bricks has been lifted off of my chest. He had a lot of people praying for him and I'm not really a religious person but there's something to be said for the power of prayer.

I am so grateful.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I want to go home

I have only been home 3 days out of the last 3 weeks. I miss my husband. I miss my kids. I miss my friends and yes, I miss my work. (Never thought I would say that). My dad has been very ill and I have been here in Florida with him. And now, today, I just want to go home. Maybe in a few days.