Thursday, November 12, 2009

I am healed

Went to the Dr on Tuesday. According to the x-rays, my fractures are healed. I couldn't believe it when he told me because I still hurt so much. But, I saw the hard evidence and the bone is all grown back together. So I am having to work through the pain and use my arm more and actually, two days later, I have only had to take 6 ibuprofen today as opposed to 12 most other days. I think using it more has helped.

I couldn't believe the changes in my mood and attitude just knowing that it was safe to use my arm again. I didn't realize how down I had gotten. But yesterday, at work when I was able to do my own blood pressures, write out my own notes and prescriptions, it was like a total burden had been lifted. It was taking all of my energy at work just to write a note during and interview before but now it's so much better. Though it hurts, I don't have to worry about re-injuring the arm so I can deal with it better.

Rick has been gone all this week to Las Vegas. He comes home tomorrow. I thought I would have all this free time to myself but boy, was I wrong. I had all these plans of things I wanted to do, places I wanted to shop, movies I wanted to see. Tonight is the first night I've had to just sit and watch TV. I've spent a lot of time with the girls and with friends this week and I have really enjoyed it but it's exhausting. I will be so glad when Rick comes home so we can get back into our normal routine of plopping down in front of the TV when we get home. I've missed him. :)