Thursday, October 22, 2009

just a little whining

Okay, I admit it now. I am starting to get depressed. People keep asking me this and I'm like "no no I'm fine." But it's been tough. I'm not one to whine. I'm usually totally up beat and positive about life but this pain and lack of functioning of my left (and dominant) arm is starting to get to me.

I went back to the Dr. the other day because the pain seems to be getting worse and not better. First I saw the PA and she was like, he never put you in a cast? Like she just couldn't believe it. But no, I have always been in this splint and in thus splint, I have the ability for movement and since its my dominant hand, it's hard not to move it. The Dr also said he didn't see any healing yet and that there was a 1-2mm shift in the fracture. So, I absolutely am not to use this arm at all.

Yesterday at work, I was hurting a lot, so Dr R suggested we tape my fingers so I was not tempted to move my wrist. So we did that. Which affected everything I did. I couldn't write, I tried to write with my right hand and it took me two minutes to write a one line entry. and it was illegible. No one could read anything I wrote all day. I couldn't do vitals, so I had to constantly interrupt everyone else to come and help me. I couldn't fix my plate at lunch. I can't cut up my food. I can't even button and unbutton my own pants so I can go pee. It's not so bad when Rick or Sienna are helping me do that but it's different when it's the girls at work.I just felt like I was a constant annoyance to everybody yesterday and I only worked 1/2 a day. Today was to be a full day of clinic and I just could not make myself go to work today.

I haven't been able to work out in over three weeks and I am really missing that. I feel like a slug. I just want my regular life back.

Enough whining for now. :)

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Once again, so much to catch up on.

I am typing this entry with one hand while we are taking a break from Disney for the afternoon. This is what we do on our afternoons when we are here in Orlando. Rick goes and takes a nap and since I can never sleep during the day, I sit out here and waste time. But I've decided to try to be productive today. You see, it's been about a month since I've written in my blog and what a busy month it's been!

The reason I am typing with one hand is because I have been injured in a car accident. My left arm is broken in 3 places and my right arm is injured as well with burns from the airbag. Last Tuesday, after working out, I went by the Burger King to get some breakfast, ( shame on me), and as I was driving home, I was plowed into by a red Toyota Camry. He says his light was green. I'm not really sure, but I am almost positive my light was green. The accident was frightening and I am currently still in a lot of pain. But they tell me it gets better so I'm trying to be patient.
Poor Rick has had to be my nursemaid. Until yesterday, I couldn't even fasten my own britches. This is very embarrassing when one has to leave the bathroom at Disney World with her pants unzipped and unbuttoned because it hurts too bad to twist her hand that way. Rick had to take me to a quiet corner to button me up. lol. I look like a hag because I can't fix my hair. Rick, bless his heart, tried to put my hair up in a pony tail but it didn't work very well. Thank goodness for baseball caps. He cuts up my food for me, he carries my backpack, he dresses my arm. He is so good.

Disney is so fun, as always. Rick has put restrictions on what rides I can ride but that's okay. There is so much to see and do here besides riding rollercoasters. Disney is my most favorite vacation spot and I have fun just being here.

Some other big news that I have to share is that Chanel is now living in Knoxville!!!!! OMG I am so glad to have her home! I know it is meant to be that she is home because she got to keep her same job! They like her so much that they offered to let her work from home in Knoxville!!! So we got her set up in an adorable apartment in North Knoxville. She really likes it there. I have been so busy this month that I haven't had a lot of time to spend with her but I will definitely make up for it after Disney.

Last weekend I went to Dallas for Jim's wedding. I got to meet Diane for the first time and I must say that I absolutely love her! She has 3 kids who are adorable, Eric is 18, Emily is 11 and Daniel is 6. Such good kids. She has really done a good job with them. Jim is so lucky to have Diane. She is happy, down to earth and beautiful. He seems very happy and I am glad to see it. My nephew Jimmy was there. I hadn't seen him in about 7 or 8 yrs. He is such a good kid and we had a good time drinking beer and margaritas together. :) I've missed him. He joined the Air Force after high school and has been in Iraq. Now he is home and safe and living in N. Dakota but he is hoping to get shipped out to Afghanistan. I don't really understand why he wants to go but I am really proud of his bravery.

My Aunt Pam came down for Jim's wedding. I know it meant a lot to him that she came all the way from Michigan. I was so happy to get to spend some time with her. In my eyes she has always been a second mom to me and I feel blessed to have her in my life.

So that's a quick run down of things going on. I'll try to keep up with this thing a little better in the future.