Sunday, March 29, 2009

Playing Canasta

I'm really missing Chanel these days. Just leave it at that. There's no more that needs to be said about it. I just am.

Sienna...though I am really missing Chanel, I am really enjoying Sienna. She's really stepped up since Chanel has been gone and I so appreciate it. We go to weight watchers together every Wednesday and she comes to have lunch with me on Tuesdays and then usually Sundays after church we hang out. Tonight, she taught me how to play canasta. Canasta is a pretty complicated game. I was so proud of how patient she was. She will make a great teacher. I can be a slow learner when it comes to games, but she was patient and it didn't seem like I got on her nerves at all. And that just makes me smile because a few years ago, everything I did got on her nerves. I love the young lady she is becoming.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today was a good day.

I have been on this weight loss journey for a lot of years. I can honestly say that in all of my days of struggling, I never thought I would ever be able to say what I am going to say to you in just a bit. Obesity can sneak up on you. Before you know it, you are waddling around wondering why it is that your knees and hips hurt all the time. You wonder why it is that sitting down in a booth at a restaurant has become so difficult. You worry that you will fall and that someone will see you struggling to stand back up. You wonder when exactly was that when tying your shoes started to take your breath away. But it just happens and it sort of makes me cry to think about it now. But then one day you get on the scale at weight watchers and the lady says 292#. So, that motivates you for a little while, but it is short lasting and thus goes the ongoing struggle.

293 was my top weight. But now,things are so much different. I work out usually twice a day. I have plenty of room in the booths at the restaurant. I feel better than I have felt in as far back as I can remember and today I went to the weight watchers lady and she said I weigh 192! Still not a great number but the reality of it is, I have kept plugging along on this journey. I never in my life thought I would be able to say "I've lost 100 pounds". And, sure it's taken me a long time and I have probably gained more than 100 pounds over the years but I'm coming along. I am proud of myself. Just thought I would share.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

When did this happen?

I was talking to Chanel this morning and of course, we were talking about weight loss and working out and I told her that I was going to try to get Rick to go for a walk and asked her if she was going to come. To which she said no. So I was like, c'mon we need to work out and she said, "When did this happen?!" She was meaning of course, when did I become the one who was always wanting to work out and she become the one who was always avoiding it. Used to be, it was vice versa. Same way with Rick. He used to always be the one pushing me. So, I'm not sure when this happened but I must say, I love the way things are now. I work out at least 6 days a week for 45 mins to an hour. I feel fantastic. I feel so good that I just want to do it more and more. It was so hard to get myself motivated before. Now, it just seems easy. (Chanel doesn't want to do it because she is on this silly raw food diet again and she has no energy. I hope she stops this soon and gets back to weight watchers.)

It has been great having her here with me this week. I love having her around. I love the fact that she doesn't have to be entertained. She is content to just sit and chat for hours. It's refreshing. She will be leaving for Kansas City on Monday. Steve is coming to help her drive there. He has a cousin there who has agreed to let Chanel stay there for awhile. She is going to try to focus her efforts on the KC job market. Southwest has a hub there so hopefully Steve can get a transfer. She has an interview there on Tuesday. I am really hoping something comes up for her soon. The job market is really tough right now, but I think she is an extraordinary girl who will outshine all of the other candidates for the job. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Have a great Saturday!

Monday, March 02, 2009

scrapbooking retreat

I just got done working out. Chanel and I made a pinky promise that we would work out 60 mins a day, 5 days a week. I don't know if she is sticking to it, but I am. I am trying to work out 6 days a week though. I am reading a new book, "Younger Next Year." They recommend 6 days a week in it. We went away on a retreat this past weekend and we even worked out one day at the retreat! Here's a pic of me and Shara doing Walk Away the Pounds.

I spent the weekend with Leeann and Shara on a scrapbooking retreat. There were 17 of us altogether. It was wonderful. We got to sleep in bunk beds and we got to sleep as late as we wanted. We lounged around in our pajamas and sweats. Leeann and I even made a Chik fil a run in our PJs.We didn't have to cook, clean, do laundry ,anything. Just scrapped, and shopped and scrapped some more. It was a lot of fun being with other women with the same love for scrapbooking that we have. Mostly it was just very special bonding with Leeann and Shara. I hope we can do it again.