Sunday, August 31, 2008

great news

I've not been very good at keeping up with this thing. Sorry. Now, there have been so many things happen this past week that its hard for me to remember it all.

I have continued on the raw food thing and have lost some weight. Here are pics of our "raw" lunch when I went to visit Chanel last weekend. My only slips have been Fuji's ( I can't help it. It wasn't my idea to go there but since we all did, well, there is just no way I can resist the temptation. ) and last night we had friends over and they wanted pizza. I was just going to have salad, but the dressing I bought was gross and that sort of ruined it for me. At least I didn't eat a lot of pizza.

My friend Julie had her last day at work on Thursday. I will miss her so much. I will miss our foursome. The four of us, Julie, Julie , Christy and me all have a great bond. We know what each other is thinking. We finish each other's sentences. We know when the other is in a bad mood without anything being said. We have laughed together and cried together. We have been drunk together and have been gluttons together. Now, there is another nurse that will be stepping in to Julie's role and well, I'm just not sure how that's going to work but I'm trying to have a positive attitude about it.

Now, the best news of all! We are going to Disney World again in October! woohoo! I am so excited. I've been to Disney World so many times I've lost count and you would think I would know all I need to know about it. But, part of the thrill for me is the planning and this is what I have been doing today. I love it. There is always something new to do, some different place to eat, some fresh shows to see. Love it. AND we have decided to buy an annual pass, so, that means we can go however many times we want over the next year. We are even thinking about going for Christmas!

Friday, August 22, 2008

tidbits of my week

On Monday I started a 30 day trial of the raw food diet. That's where you don't eat any cooked food and you eat all fruits and vegetables and raw nuts. My dieting buddy is now back from Belgium and here we go again. I must say, I really like it. I feel good and I love fruits and veges anyway. We are supposed to be giving up caffeine, which I haven't completely done, I'm afraid of the withdrawal. But other than that, I've pretty much stuck with it. I have done very well losing weight this week. Chanel has too. Yay for us! But that's enough about that. I made a resolution that I wouldn't talk so much about my weight and dieting on my blog this year. So, I'll stop now.

I haven't been feeling well this week. I don't think its related to the diet. I've had lots of stomach pain, but its really come and gone since spring, not just since I started Raw Food. The doctors never really seem to know what is wrong and I'm tired of all the tests and things that they do so I don't want to go back to the Dr. But, I'm going on Monday. It just doesn't seem to be letting up, so I guess I'll go. Its funny sort of, but I am going with Sienna to her Dr. appt on Monday too for stomach pain. Wonder if its genetic? :)

One of my closest friends, Julie, who I have known for 16 years, is leaving to go to another job next week. I will miss her terribly. When she told me she was leaving, I literally lost my breath but regained it quickly because one needs to breathe in order to cry. We have worked together for a long time and it brings tears to my eyes when I even think about not seeing her sitting next to me everyday. I think she will really like her new job,but its hard to feel happy for her when I am so busy feeling sorry for myself. I need to work on that.

We have a busy weekend planned. Saturday, I will be scrapping all day at Scrapbooks & More. I love doing that! Then Sunday, we are going to see Chanel and her new apartment. I'll let you know how all that goes. Oh, by the way, be watching to see who will be our next Vice President of the United States this weekend!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

my baby picture

I just wanted to share this adorable photo with you.(if you cover up the hair, you can definately see Chanel and Sienna). I guess I was about a yr. old in this photo. This was one of the many treasures I brought back to Tennessee with me from Michigan. It was amazing to hear about all the stories of how everyone took such good care of me when I was young. I was the first grandchild and therefore, everyone's doll baby. We just had such a good time looking at old pictures and reminiscing about things I don't remember. It was kind of cute how my aunts would say, Don't you remember...?" and I would have no recollection of whatever they were talking about but it was fun to hear, just the same. My mom doesn't really talk about my childhood much so its great for me to hear stories from my aunt. I brought home tons of pictures, even some of the rare ones of my grandma and grandpa, and soon as I get them scanned in to my computer, I plan to scrap them.

I hope you're having a great weekend.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday to me. I scrapped my last entry in case there were those of you who had already read it. I've decided to be a little more positive and to not sound so whiny in this entry. When I entered my 40s, I was a little down about it. I am not too keen on aging. But when I went to Michigan and saw some of my aunts who are all over 50 I was encouraged because they look fabulous. So, now I know I have good genes. I'm counting on looking fabulous myself well into my 70s now. So, I am happy that I will be hopefully be able to embrace aging now.

Yesterday, we spent the day with Donald and Shara. We went to see Pineapple Express. It was hilarious. It was all kind of dumb humor. Like Raising Arizona or Dumb and Dumber. Loved it. I wanted to go to Fujis for my birthday dinner but Rick didn't really want to go there. I think I've worn him out on it. So, instead, Sienna brought me some shrimp sauce from Fujis and we took that to Wasabis. Wasabis has much better meat and with the Fuji shrimp sauce, the meal was perfect. I can see it becoming a tradition.

Today, Rick took me to Ihop and later, we are going on a shopping spree. Woohoo! He has truly spoiled me this year as he does every year. He's so good. I can't believe how lucky I am to have him.

Have a happy Sunday!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My family is so cool

I just returned from our trip to Michigan. I must say, I was apprehensive about going but now I am so glad I did. My family is a lot of fun to be around and they bent over backwards to keep us entertained and I am so grateful to them for showing us a good time.

We arrived on Wednesday afternoon. I have been sensitive to the fact that I am going into GM country while driving a Honda. Most of my uncles work or have worked for GM. I know that there are some not so pleasant thoughts about people who don't buy American. So, on Wednesday, as we got closer into town, my aunt Karla met us at an exit so we could follow her on to my Uncle Karl's house. My Uncle Karl had called us about 4 times to see where we were and when we would be arriving, which I thought was weird, but whatever. So I am following Karla down the interstate and going about 72 when we pass a cop sitting in the median. I wasn't too worried because I wasn't really speeding. Then next thing I know, this cop slides in right behind me and turns on his lights! Mom is like, what did you do to make him pull you over? I said, I didn't do anything. He's probably pulling me over because I am driving an out of state I am a nervous wreck. In the meantime, Aunt Karla takes off, which I thought was weird. She should have at least stopped and waited for me. So I am digging through my purse to find my license. I had changed purses and couldn't find my license and that made me even more nervous. So, both of the officers came to the car, one on each side. And I look up and there was my Uncle Karl. I said, " That is not even funny!" So everybody got a laugh at my expense. That was my welcome to Michigan.

We had lots of laughs the entire trip. I saw people again that I haven't seen in about 17 yrs. But it was so comfortable and yes, I think my family is very cool. I am busy planning when we can go back.